Unlimited CBT-based prompts for personal growth, self-worth, shadow work and trauma healing.

Journaling prompts for mental health

Elevate your daily routine with journaling to let go, find peace of mind, install deeper connection with yourself, enhance personal growth and boost self-love.
Just a simple daily 5-min practice can make a tremendous change in mental health.

How to journal?

Choose a prompt that resonates with your current emotions & goals.

Select your prompt

Set the Mood

Find a comfortable space where you won't be distracted.
Set 10-20 min timer for better focus.
Use the prompt as your guide, but let your thoughts flow freely, without rules.

Reflect & Summarise

Write Freely

After writing, reflect on insights and emotions, then summarise key takeaways and planned actions.

What is journaling?

Free journaling prompts

Our team created free PDF with 200+ CBT-based Journaling prompts for your daily mental health cleaning and personal growth.
Scan this QR code to open LINA app on your phone.
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